Horse Riding Instructor


Pnina is a passionate horse riding instructor with over 20 years of experience.

Camp Volunteers

Join our Horse Camp!

Experience the Joy of Horse Riding

Discover the thrill of horse riding at our Horse Camp. Learn from experienced instructors,

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of the

The cost of the camp varies depending on the duration and activities included. Please visit our website or

What is the age requirement

The camps are open to participants aged 5 to 16 years old.

What should I bring to the camp?

We recommend sending your child with weather-appropriate clothing, sunscreen, riding boots, and a helmet (if your child has one; otherwise, the camp provides ). Please also send water and snacks for your child

Are meals provided

Snacks are not provided during camp. Please be mindful, when sending snacks of potential allergens, such as nuts, to ensure the safety of all campers

Can I bring my own horse

We do not allow participants to bring their own horses to camp, as we provide well-trained horses for all activities. For Lessons or Shows please contact Pnina to discuss.


“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” – Winston Churchill

Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” – Winston Churchill

A canter is the cure for every evil.” – Benjamin Disraeli

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.” – Arabian Proverb

Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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